Date: 27th September 2023

Are solar panels a permitted development?

Yes, solar panels are permitted development on most domestic and non-domestic buildings in England. This means that you do not need to apply for planning permission to install them, as long as you meet certain conditions.

The conditions for permitted development for solar panels are as follows:

  • The panels must be installed on a roof or a wall, and must not project more than 0.2 metres from the roof slope or wall surface (or on a flat roof, from the plane of the roof).
  • The panels must not be installed above the highest part of the roof (excluding the chimney).
  • The panels must not be installed on a listed building or a building that is within the garden or grounds of a listed building.
  • If you live in a conservation area, you may need to get permission from your local authority to install solar panels, even if they meet the above conditions.

If you are unsure whether or not you need planning permission to install solar panels, you can check with your local authority.

There are a few exceptions to the permitted development rights for solar panels. For example, you will need to apply for planning permission if you want to install solar panels on a building that is:

  • In a national park or an area of outstanding natural beauty.
  • Within the curtilage of a listed building and the panels are visible from the public highway.
  • On a building that is subject to a planning condition that prevents the installation of solar panels.

If you are unsure whether or not you need planning permission to install solar panels, it is always best to check with your local authority.

Looking to install solar panels contact us for a FREE quote.

Gary Stafford Business Development Manager